About Our School

Letter from Our Head of Schools

Hello CAVA Families

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year.  This year promises to be great, and we are so excited that you have chosen to join us here at CAVA, where every student can Engage, Connect, and Grow!

Over more than 20 years of operation, we have found that one of the most important factors for students to thrive is the partnership between home and school.  The foundation of this partnership is communication and shared responsibility.   We commit to doing our very best to provide your child with an exceptional educational experience and we ask that you guide and support the learning by helping your child to meet our B.E.A.R. expectations.

B – Responsible – Whether it is logging into class on time, completing the assigned reading, or ensuring that classroom expectations are met, being responsible is essential to your child’s academic success.  It is a skill that takes learning and practice, so we all need to do our part to help children understand that we expect them to be responsible.

E – Engage in Your Learning – Learning is not a spectator sport.  Learning requires that new neuropathways are created; that is hard work.  Children must engage in that work by asking questions, practicing new skills, incorporating feedback, and trying again.  When your child is in Class Connect sessions, you should observe them being active (talking, writing, typing).  When your child is engaged in independent work, they should have questions and need support; remind them their teacher is always available.

A – Aim for Success – We believe that all children can learn and learn at high levels.  Please take some time to encourage your child to do the best work he/she can.  When students struggle, research shows that parents who encourage their child to “push through” and believe that their child is capable will ultimately perform better and have higher levels of success later in life.

R – Respect All – Today’s society could use a little more of this.  We believe that teaching children that we all have value and are worthy of respect is an important life lesson.  Please discuss respectful ways to interact with peers and staff with your child.  Learning is best fostered by trusting relationships.

Again, I am so excited that you have chosen CAVA for this school year, and we look forward to working with you.  If you have questions, please check out our website, or additional information can be found here.

April Warren

Head of Schools